School Academics

English Language Arts - Reading and Writing

HMH Into Reading Curriculum

  • A comprehensive library of trade books serves as a connection to each module topic and bridges reading and writing instruction.
  • Culturally relevant and ethnically diverse text sets build cross-disciplinary knowledge and serve as a springboard for writing and discussion.
  • Scaffolding in the program ensures students receive the initial support and practice that sets them on the best path to independence.
Notice & Note Guides Students in Independent Reading

Offering teachers a fully integrated approach to critical text analysis and deepened comprehension, HMH Into Reading teaches students how to notice key signposts in texts that point to their meaning. Embedded into every lesson, Notice & Note strategies by Kylene Beers and Bob Probst teach students how to spot key signposts in texts that point to their meaning.

  • Authentic literature focal texts kick off every module of writing.
  • A Writer’s Notebook gives students the chance to learn the basics of writing conventions as they analyze writer’s craft, explore various genres, and grow in mastery.
  • Anchor charts spotlight the three key components of any story and provide students with an easily digestible, visual format for organizing their thoughts.

Pre-K to 1st Grade

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum


The Pre-Kindergarten curriculum uses nursery rhymes to introduce preschool students to language play. The lessons include eight phonological and phonemic awareness skills, taught in a systematic progression. Through two early literacy skills, students also develop alphabet knowledge through daily practice with an alphabet song and letter name and sound practice. Nursery rhymes are taught each week so that by the end of preschool your students will begin to build a repertoire of classic nursery rhymes as they learn to enjoy language play!


The kindergarten curriculum spends more time on each skill. The kindergarten curriculum covers all consonants, short vowels, digraphs, blends, and rime patterns, with long vowel words being introduced in the later weeks of this curriculum. By comparison, the yellow book also goes further into long vowels and introduces R-controlled vowels, special vowel sounds, and multisyllabic words.

1st Grade

The primary curriculum typically used in grades 1-2 includes increased complexity of words and tasks for multiple skills, a reorganization of the sequencing of skills within the 35 weeks, a reordering of lesson sequencing to allow for an easier transition into phonics instruction, and refined teacher modeling and support instructions. Our curriculum includes a table to show alignment with the Common Core State Standards for Phonological Awareness (Grade 1).

Kindergarten to 3rd Grade

Fundations - Wilson Language Basics

As a recognized leader in multisensory, structured language programs, Wilson brings more than a decade of systematic and explicit instruction to the K-3 classroom. Based on the Wilson Reading System® principles, Wilson Fundations® provides research-based materials and strategies essential to a comprehensive reading, spelling, and handwriting program. 

Wilson Fundations makes learning to read fun while laying the groundwork for life-long literacy. Students in grades K-3 receive a systematic program in critical foundational skills, emphasizing:

  • Phonemic awareness
  • Phonics/ word study
  • High frequency word study
  • Reading fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension strategies 
  • Handwriting
  • Spelling

The instruction aligns with states’ rigorous college- and career-ready standards. 

Although Fundations includes comprehension strategies, it must be combined with a core/literature-based language arts program for an integrated and comprehensive approach to reading and spelling.




enVisionmath2.0 is a comprehensive K-5 mathematics curriculum with superior focus, coherence, and rigor. Ensure success at every level with problem-based learning, embedded visual learning, and  personalization to empower every teacher and student.

  • When students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding.
  • enVision Math 2.0 is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons.
  • Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches.
  • Problem-based learning drives students to engage in productive struggle.
  • enVision Math 2.0 provides a wide variety of differentiation resources and strategies.
  • Tiered activities, learning centers, flexible grouping, and technology to help accommodate learning styles and readiness.

Proven Instructional Design
enVisionmath2.0 emphasizes conceptual understanding. Problem-based learning facilitates productive struggle strengthening students’ ability to think mathematically.

Personalized and Adaptive
With a wide variety of differentiation resources and strategies to choose from and innovative features like Adaptive Practice powered by Knewton, enVisionmath2.0 makes math relevant to all students. 

One Powerful, Integrated System
Access all content, resources, assessments, and student data on Savvas Realize. This powerful learning management system gives you instant access to everything you need and want, in a single place. 


Amplify Science

  • Each unit of Amplify Science engages students in a relevant, real-world problem where they investigate scientific phenomena, engage in collaboration and discussion, and develop models or explanations in order to arrive at solutions.
  • Amplify Science is rooted in the Lawrence Hall of Science’s Do, Talk, Read, Write, Visualize model of learning. This research-based approach presents students with multiple modalities through which to explore the curriculum.
  • In each unit, students take on the role of a scientist or engineer to investigate a real-world problem. These problems provide relevant contexts through which students investigate phenomena.

Social Studies

Passport to Social Studies

  • The NYCDOE K-8: Passport to Social Studies program is a comprehensive instructional resource that integrates the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the New York State K-8 Social Studies Framework to support strong social studies teaching and learning.
  • An effective social studies program allows students to make sense of the world in which they live, make connections between major ideas and their own lives, and see themselves as active members of a global community.
  • This program challenges students to think like historians and encourages them to raise questions, think critically, consider many perspectives, and gather evidence in support of their interpretations through the practice of chronological processing, decision-making, and historical research and analysis.